Hello, you might have played the incredible "Don't click the House" or its predecessor.
These were both made in the Wick Editor, Desktop version 1.19 to be exact.
Onto what I learned:
- Ignore warnings about adding “editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity” , it’ll stop the game from getting focus/mouse events
- If Ctrl+Z/hotkey doesn’t work it’s because Caps-lock is on
- Ctrl+G makes a Movie Clip
- Double-clicking a Movie Clip/Button opens it
- Scripts inside a Movie Clip won’t work, except for “stop()”? Probably issues with the this keyword.
- To access a variable in the main context from a Movie Clip you can use (this.)parent.COMPONENT.variable
- Buttons have 3 frames and 2 (over) is on when testing.
- Frames aren’t declared until they are reached, meaning you can’t change FRAME.variable in preparation for future runs and expect that FRAME to exist (use project.variable instead of local ones)
- Remember that the size is 720x480 by default so make sure to change the values to that when adding a project to Newgrounds or you’ll see the things around the frame (like in Flash)
Phew, I'm glad that's off of my chest.
Edit: Learned a few things, here: https://forum.wickeditor.com/t/lessons-learned-from-2-minigames/5633